7 Ways This Vegan Teenager Wants You to Use Self-Quarantine to Change the World – VegNews By Vegan Devotion View this post on Instagram Science is not a belief system. You can’t just choose to believe or not to believe something if it has facts to support it. I am appalled to hear that there are still some people who do not “believe” in climate change. No, it is not just “a phase.” Now that we have the information, we need to act on it. Studies show that animal agriculture is responsible for over 75% of greenhouse gas emissions. If you really want to take action for climate justice, go vegan. It’s as simple as that. We are running out of time, so make every second count. Every second you spend NOT eating an animal or something from an animal is a second spent advocating for climate justice, environmental justice, animal liberation, and more. Every second is crucial now, let’s make them count. #youthactivism #climatechange #climate #climateactivist #climateaction #climatestrike #climstestrikeonline #digitalclimatestrike #fridaysforfuture #actonscience #notabeliefsystem #believescience #environment #animalliberation #vegan #veganteen #veganyouth #climatecrisis #climateemergency #science #çevre #iklimdeğişikliği #dijitaliklimgrevi #washyourhands #globalwarming #cleanseas #pollutionfree #saveourseas #theoceansarerisingandsoarewe #takeaction A post shared by Erin Ersoy (@ethically.erin) on Apr 17, 2020 at 6:38am PDT 7 Ways This Vegan Teenager Wants You to Use Self-Quarantine to Change the World VegNews Brought to you by Google News. Read the rest of the article here. Facebook Twitter Pinterest